C'est quoi FRENCH 130 ?

This is a course that gives you all the tools to have before going to France.

We take a look at the administrative organization of France and compare it to the US and California, in particular. We look quickly at the European Union and the place that France has in it but mostly you get to build your toolbox with resumes, templates for commercial letters, research on industries of interest to you. And of course, we look at how to open a bank account and which type, how to look for a job and prepare for an interview, and more!

This course is in French and requires a good level, but, because we always compare to the US and California, it is for you, even if you don’t feel -for now- like going to France. It will help you figure out what you want to do next, after graduating, and prepare you to tackle the work world.

I teach this course every other year only so don’t miss your chance! 

To French Learners

Bonjour !

I am Renée Cailloux, and I have been teaching French at UC Santa Cruz, in California (USA), for over 10 years.

This website is for all French learners who want quick tutorials on specific points of the French language.

I started this project for my students and realized that I could extend it to anyone interested with little effort on my spare time, so here it is!

Navigating the website